This weekend (3rd-5th February 2023), millions of football fans and their clubs will gather for Green Football Weekend - a weekend of football fun and competitive activities to help protect our world.

As part of the project, Millwall Football Club is excited to launch 'Lion Living', the club's pledge to sustainability.

Lion Living highlights a major part of the club’s identity, The Lion - an endangered animal - to promote positive change for natural wildlife and environments. Sustainability has become a focal point of Millwall Football Club’s operations in recent years, with strong progress already being made to reduce waste, as well other eco-friendly initiatives.

The Lions have a collective goal to reduce the volume of CO2 produced by the club by 50% by 2030 (compared to 2019 levels) and our ultimate aim is to be carbon neutral by 2040. The year of 2022 saw the introduction of Millwall’s Environment & Sustainability Committee, to help introduce and amplify Millwall Football Club’s green direction.

"As a club, we are delighted to launch Lion Living ahead of Green Football Weekend," said Mark Fairbrother, Lead for Millwall's Environment & Sustainability Committee at The Den. “Sustainability and reducing carbon footprints are hot - and required - topics and Millwall are proud to be at the forefront of the game's attempts to take action with the initiative. We are sure that our loyal fanbase will be on board and contribute in their droves, as they always do with other drives.”