Millwall Community Trust hosted a very successful first-ever Job Fair at the Lions Centre in partnership with JCP last Wednesday.

50 employers and organisations attended as well as 300 job seekers in which 126 were offered jobs and trial work offers.

The event ran from 10am-3:30pm with a huge number of participants giving very positive feedback.

Groundswell Project, The Skills Centre and Community Fund were also involved in the build up and on the day and a big thank you goes out to them for all their help with the event.

John Scarborough, Education and Employability Manager at the MCT said: "Millwall’s first kick into employment job fair event was a huge success. This was the first ever event of this scale hosted at the lion centre in the 7 years I have been here and really evidence what a community asset the Lion centre is for the local communities of Southwark and Lewisham.

"To host over 50+ employers and employment support organisation offering real jobs for local resident is tremendous.

"To have over 300 attendees of which over 260 were registered job seekers claimants that saw nearly half of those offered employment or work trial is a credit to the employers and all the partners working that day. Most importantly a big thank you to the job-seekers who showed the commitment to attend and be supported to present their best self on the day.”

Employer adviser manager, Josephine Sheehan added: "Kick into employment Job Fair at Millwall Community Centre in partnership with DWP on 8th February 2023 was a pilot to see how working together we can support the community into paid employment, apprenticeships or training.


"I am very happy to say the event was a success, it was attended by many many employers which included Kings College and Guy’s & St Thomas’s NHS Trusts, The Ivy, Home Office, Lost Property Hotels, Time plan Education, Lefy, Army and Navy, Browns Hotel, Delfont Mackintosh, Change Please, Care Outlook, Homewood, PHS, Millwall, Oasis Care, Keltbray, Morrisroe, Bouygues, The Skills Centre, Southwark Works  and many more with a variety of roles for everyone.

"There were employer information sessions on the day where customers found out about the employer and the roles available for example Millwall who were recruiting for Stewards.


"We had over 270 customers attend with 126+ offers made on the day. The majority of the customers came from the Southwark & Lewisham areas but there were customers who attended from across all South London areas which was nice to see as the event was open to all.


"Customers found the information on the day useful to support them in the future.


“It was a valuable event as Millwall Community Centre was able to show the support that is offered on a daily basis at their centre and by working in partnership with DWP the range of support that can be accessed to support customers and their families in their day to day lives.


"The event helped us to understand the needs of the community and how we can  all work together to organise other events and  to have outreach support at the centre from DWP. 

This partnership  will go from strength to strength and build more opportunities for the community.


"The event helped us to understand the needs of the community and how we can  all work together to organise other events and  have outreach support at the centre from DWP.

The enthusiasm and atmosphere on the day was magical, it was so nice to see so many happy faces leaving the event."

Nathan - who is on the Second Chance Academy programme was offered a job the following day after attending the job fair.

Ophelie Zahui who is the traineeship officer at the Trust was extremely pleased for Nathan.

Ophelie Zahui, Traineeship Officer at the MCT concluded: "I was really pleased with how the Job fair went as there was lots of different job opportunities available. Some of the Second Chance trainees attended the fair and had the opportunity to speak to employers and hand out CVs which some hadn't done before. 

"I was extremely proud of one of our trainees Nathan who was hesitant at first but with some prompting went out and spoke to employers and has been offered a job as a Teaching assistant."