Millwall Pan disability attended the Friendship League on Sunday 19th of February, 2023.

It was a great afternoon of football, sportsmanship and a fantastic opportunity to meet new people.

The tournament took place at the Geraldine Mary Harmsworth Sports Centre on the Southwark Stars training ground. At the League, Millwall and Southwark Stars were present as well as Sutton United and Fulham.

Our Team played in the Championship league with Sutton United and two teams from Southwark Stars. It was the first time that we have attended the League and it’s been great for our players.

During the matches all players displayed great skills, team spirit and commitment. We won three games with goals scored from different players. We also lost two matches but both games were tight and well played all the way until the end.

It’s also worth to mention that it’s the first time for most of our players to wear the Millwall shirt in a tournament. Our new players such as Tyrese, Junior, Jemiah, Reece, Emanuel, Gage make a great impact guided by expert players like Treviane, Steven, Dominique and Steve.

To all the team a well deserved second place.

The great attitude demonstrated in the weekly sessions show their development as a team.

Come on you Lions!